GAMETaj Life is an abstract strategy game similar to chess and checkers. The Human (meaning you) and Robot players take turns playing moves. Human and Robot board Pieces are colored differently. Instead of moving Pieces, you press empty Cells in Taj Life. The Piece shapes don't have any significance. MOVESMove by pressing an empty Cell next to a friendly Piece. The empty Cell becomes a friendly Piece. A Life-like Rule then applies to the surrounding Moore neighborhood of 12, 8, or 6 neighboring Cells. Cells that birth or survive become friendly Pieces. Pieces that die become empty Cells. Repeating a Board position in a Game is not allowed. GOALWin by eliminating or surrounding all opposing Pieces. You lose if it is your turn and you can't move. Mathematically, the game Board is a torus due to periodic boundary conditions that glue the bottom edge to the top edge and the right edge to the left edge. Taj Life rates your play in the real time Monitor above the game Board. MENU
SETTINGSLevel = Fair is an evenly matched game. Level = Champ is the hardest level. Grid chooses the dimensions and tiling pattern on the Board. If you like a challenge, try some of the larger, triangular, or hexagon grids. Demo and Hints toggle an automated demo and helping hints. You can speed up the Demo by pressing the screen. ADVANCEDAdvanced players can use the Rules popover to define and Edit new Life-like Rule's using Golly Notation. The History popover is an interactive chart displaying how well you play over time. Author, Credits, and Privacy popovers will be obvious. The shine on the newly polished gems are Astroid curves . |